Being a newbie in squeezebox world I would like to share my first audio
My intended use is USB -> TOS optical cable, and first setup is Touch +
BMC2 DAC + Dynaudio Acoustic speakers. Out of curiosity I made
additional listening test with stereo system (creek/audio note).

Digital source: plugging Touch and CD transport to the same D/A
converter I did some listening tests (acoustic music, jazz, chamber, my
reference records from grp, opus, chesky and kirkelig labels). Flac and
original CD.
As there should be no difference in such configuration – I found that
there is none, almost – somehow signal level via optical cable is
slightly different from the one on CD, otherwise I can’t hear anything
bad or good in comparison. Volume control on Touch also works for
digital output  - this is a nice thing! (with lower levels is seems
that the signal is deteriorated, but this might be due to DAC).
Unfortunately I do not have possibility to use unsymmetrized signal
from the Touch line out in this configuration.

Second test on standard stereo system. Signal from CD player and Touch
to power amplifier (= different D/A converters from CD & Touch ). Here
one can hear differences, rather small & Touch is very impressive. In
the frequency spectrum it performs excellent, however mid/high
frequencies were, to my ears, more crisp and detailed form CD, but
slightly. The largest difference was in the sound stage organization –
CD gave more organized stage (better localization of instruments,
vocals in space). Might be that resulted in a quite better distinction
between instruments and dynamic response. Bass, percussion or strings
from Touch seemed to be more fuzzy. Like for jazz trio, or vocal with
acoustic support – stage or sounding of instruments was nicer and more
pleasing with CD. But these are tiny differences; if one thinks about
dac performance of best CD-players few year back a tiny Touch is really

Overall I am very impressed by the sound capabilities of Touch (except
standalone functionality, that mentioned in other thread). Especially
that it is my first device of this kind – able to play digital files
(lossless) as conventional CD without any computer.
I like handy remote and overall design – sturdy and with taste. 

If it could work standalone... & power off... woow!

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