Just finished about an hour and a half of investigating this again.

First I switched off SugarCube and created a playlist with three FLAC
files and two MP3s from differing albums and played them repeatedly on
the Touch (analog outs) with crossfade set to "Fade In and Out". 
On most but not all changes of tracks a short glitch could be heard at
about ten seconds from the track end (I have crossfade set to ten
seconds).  On occasions no glitch could be heard - I couldn't make any
sense of when this happened, sometimes the same crossfade of tracks
would cause a audible glitch and at other times would not or the glitch
was less obvious.

On changing the crossfade setting to "crossfade" it appeared to lessen
the occurance of the glitches however they did happen maybe about 50%
less than on "fade in and out". 

Switching SugarCube on again appeared to make no difference.

One thing I noticed through these tests was that the glitching was much
less noticable than I had previously noticed, then I thought to check
through my external DAC, which is the way I usually have the Touch

It now appears that at the glitch point the DAC loses sync and mutes
for around two to three seconds which, (obviously) makes the glitches
more audible.

With the DAC it's now clear that the glitch is occuring more regularly
than noticed on the Analog Outs.  I suspected that perhaps the tracks
were using different sampling frequencies and that this would be the
cause of the DAC dropping its sync but a quick check confirmed them all
to be 44.1kHz.

So just to summarize it appears that this drop out of audio is
occurring with both "crossfade" and "fade in & out" and that this is
also causing some kind of break in the SPDIF output which unsyncs my

I am running SBS Version: 7.5.1 - r30804 on Windows 7 Pro and my Touch
is operating on wireless.

Hope that gives some help toward fixing the issue.

cheers, Richard

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