I can only agree with the disappointing readability of the Touch screen.
I for one find the album art a gimmick and would far prefer to do away
with that for a larger font I can read from 4m plus away. And why do I
need to see three song titles at once ? My SB3 was perfectly adequate
showing one at a time and I just scrolled.

I think Logitech have got this seriously wrong - the Touch would be
fantastic as an in car item (where the proximity and touch elements of
the screen would be perfect) but for remote operation it's next to
hopeless. What is the point of a 5cm picture of album art that you can
barely see from a listening position ?

So are there any cures ? Would / could Logitech release a software
update that did away with (or provided an option to replace) the 3 song
titles / small font thing and tried to emulate the SB3 ? Is there a
remote device that can handle the display info in your hand (like the
Sonos) ? I've heard mention of Itouch / Ipeng etc but haven't a clue
how this might work.

Oh, and please Logitech, can I have my analogue sound level meters back
. . . .

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