Rather than continue to complain that the Touch might not do everything
I want it to do using just an AC-powered EHD, I decided to see what I
could do on my end to make this kind of system work. Then I remembered
I have an HP Pavillion dv6500 (2GB RAM, 140 GB HD) that I haven't used
since I got an iMac and MacBook Pro last year. 

Would it make sense for me to turn the HP into a music server with the
VortexBox ISO to use in conjunction with a Touch? Other people in the
community have spoken favorably about the VortexBox appliance, but
frankly I don't want to spend that kind of money if there's a cheaper
and equally effective alternative. I'll still need about 2TB to store
my music collection. Should I connect my AC-powered EHD to the
VortexBox-enabled HP that will serve the Touch? Any other suggestions?

To be honest, most of this technical stuff is way over my head. All I
really want is something that gives me reliable access to
audiophile-quality music files on my stereo system - without having to
keep my desktop system on 24/7. I should also mention that I have an
iPod Touch that I can use as a remote with iPeng.

Please help this forever-humble neophyte. I bow to your superior
geekness and the power that emanates from it. Help, you guys!

iwannatouch's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=36407
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79290

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