floater;552676 Wrote: 
> The Touch (with all its extra, SECONDARY features) still can't handle a
> large library with an attached USB drive that wouldn't trouble an iPod,
> which is kind of sad and the ONLY point I've been making. So a touch was
> never designed designed to "excel" at reliably playing music from a USB
> drive? Well I never!! 
> If you think nitpicking differences negates that, well, good for you.
> Why so defensive? It wouldn't be so bad if you were even accurate:
> Ipods can play lossless and can produce high quality output with the
> right dock e.g. one that will output digital. Plenty of people have
> been fooled when they thought they were listening to an expensive CD
> player. Even from it's analogue output. 
> Maybe Logitech will make it work, maybe they won't. For a product
> delayed six months to fix that function it's a pretty poor show.
> I loathe Apple fanboys, but hadn't realised Logitech was afflicted too.
> You live and learn. Keep drinking the Kool Aid.

Now who is the Troll? Please tell me who makes an iPod or MP3 player
with a 500GB memory that plays FLAC? I don't think you can. For one
that likes to live in the world of broad generalizations your
statements are very inaccurate. I never said the iPod would not play
lossless, I said modern ones will NOT play FLAC. I can see why you
missed that fact since it is very specific and you are from the world
of broad generalizations where FLAC equals Apple Lossless! Just for
clarity, it doesn't.

And I am not drinking the Kool-Aid, I am using my Touch daily without
issue in a broad range of uses. Does that make me a fanboy of the
Touch, it just might because I am a music junky and get loads of music
enjoyment from my Touch.

I also said that the Touch 'excels' at what it was designed for. Its
main use and purpose is as a Network Media Player (NMP). One that is
using server software called SBS, and I dare you to even hint that it
does not excel at being a NMP for only $300. As to TinySC, it is a
feature. One doesn't buy TinySC, one buys a Touch which is a NMP
designed to use SBS. A 'feature' of this NMP is using it standalone
with TinySC. Is this the best use of a Touch, in my opinion it is not.
Am I using it without problems I am and I am willing to help anybody
that is having problems even if that means they might have picked a
less then optimum USB product and need to buy a new one to get better

Lastly your comparison between an iPod and Touch with TinySC is very
flawed. It again comes back to my point that the Touch excels as a NMP
(and was designed and built as one to be used with SBS) and the iPod
excels as a portable MP3 player. There isn't a portable MP3 player that
can handle and play the size library that a Touch using SBS can. Which
is where I feel your world of broad generalization comes into play.
Touch with SBS is not the same as Touch with TinySC and it is stated no
where that it is. And no matter how hard one tries or wants it to be, it
never will be. There is not enough room to get full SBS on the Touch nor
does the Touch have the memory or CPU to run full SBS.

I am opened minded and willing to try many things. This is why I use my
Touch in so many different ways and environments. But I also see that
Touch with TinySC has limitations. Because Touch is a NMP, there has to
be a point to stop at because if one keeps going then it is no longer a
Touch it is an SBS Server with a touch screen.

What would l like to see of future Touch products: a 7 or 11 inch
screen, 4 times the CPU, and 4GB of RAM.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive
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