Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't.

Sometimes it depends on how much someone expects/wants it to work.

For some people this is what works:

> To restore a significant temporal (time) symmetry to any person's
> senses, it is necessary to acquire one photograph which was exposed
> when the person was young and another photograph exposed when the
> person was older. Each photograph is placed, individually, into it's
> own clear plastic bag. *The two plastic bags, each containing a spaced
> time photograph of the same individual, should be placed inside the
> freezer compartment of the domestic refrigerator. This will create a
> most unusual beneficial phenomenon. After placing the two separate
> photographs within the freezer compartment, either live or recorded
> music should be played within the listening room. A significant
> improvement to the musical sound should have taken place. Removing the
> photographs from the freezer compartment should produce an immediate
> adverse response if the music is played again. Replacing the two
> photographs within the freezer compartment will immediately restore the
> beneficial improvement in the sound.* It should be noted that it is not
> necessary for the photographs to reach the low temperature of the
> freezer compartment. This experiment demonstrates that within the
> freezer compartment, there exists a high degree of symmetry and that
> this symmetrical condition is imposed on the temporal asymmetric
> condition of the two chronologically spaced photographs and is, in
> turn, imposed on the senses of the human subject of the photographs. It
> is unfortunate that the vast majority of people, including many who work
> in science and technology, do not appreciate that a photograph functions
> within the quantum mechanical world.

> Any home with a deep freezer within the premises is having a significant
> beneficial symmetrical pattern imposed throughout the premises. To prove
> this it is possible to destroy the symmetrical pattern within the deep
> freezer. All that is necessary is to place an untreated battery or
> magnet, or a hologram (such as those found on virtually every plastic
> charge card) inside the deep freeze compartment. *Simply place any one
> of these objects within a plastic bag, place within the freezer
> compartment and any musical sound within the listening room will be
> profoundly adversely affected. Removing the object from the deep freeze
> compartment will immediately restore the previous high standard.* Always
> write the 'x number on any of these objects and activate the number with
> light from the torch. As a credit card with a hologram is often carried
> within a pocket of clothing, it is essential that the card is treated
> by applying the Red 'x number and activating with the torch.

Without any modifications, one day my system sounds spectacular and the
other day it sounds awful. All depending on my present mood only.


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