
I am still waiting on delivery of my Squeezebox Touch which I plan to
use with an External HDD (fingers crossed) digital out into my Dax
Decade DAC.

I have read with great interest soundchecks blog on upgrades along with
many other posts about upgrades to the Touch and the older Squeezebox
products. In many of posts about the older Squeezebox products there is
a recommendation to change the switching power supply for something

I realise there are options out there by Welbourne Labs, Boulder and
others which are very much outside of my budget but are there any cheap
options that I could look at? I have read that a $10 power supply was
recommended for the old Squeezebox 3 as an improvement over the stock
one. Is there anything similar that can be recommended for the Touch?

I live in the UK and only have a very basic understanding of
electronics. Any links would be fantastic and I am sure of use to many
others who may be wondering about the options.

Many thanks....

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