Got my Touch today and it was up and running within about 3 minutes.
Totally simple setup and, as many have said, I very nice bit of kit! 
BTW, running it through the DacMagic w/digital coax (as I had with the
SB receiver), I can immediately hear a noticeable improvement in the
sound....hard to describe but certainly richer and more detailed as
compared to the SBR.  As several folks over in the audiophiles forum
had said, it's not night and day, but I feel it's a definite and
noticeable upgrade.  I already strongly suspect I'm going to keep it.

The SB controller from my Duet system runs it just fine and I had no
problems in just switching the controller (as well as over to
the Touch.  So far, all is quite well.  

Now for actually learning what all the functions/buttons do.  I've
downloaded the manual and, as well, have the resources of this great



System information
Duet SBC running 7.5.1 r9009, an SBR running firmware V 65.  Controller
and receiver configured in all-wireless set-up using Netgear WNDR 3700.

Running Squeeze Server 7.5.1 r30836  on Windows 7 64 bit/ HP Pavillion
w/Intel i7 processor

Marantz PM8003 integrated amp, Cambridge Audio DacMagic, Vienna
Acoustics Mozart Grand speakers, REL Acoustics R305 sub-bass, PS Audio
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