The CPU load is interesting it always hit 100% when cuing up an album. But it stays at 100% a bit longer with 24/96 ?
This is even when I don't have the web-UI open . But on the other hand I used my controller to choose a tune for my Touch both are squeezeplay devices so both need images to refresh etc . Cueing up an album on my boom from the boom UI gets a CPU spike at 20% . Using controller to start an an album on the boom gives me 80% CPU spike . Using the controller UI and looking at top gave some insights you see a lot of very fast but very high use of the cpu . It's works fine for me but i can see why folks with NAS boxes with non x86 are in trouble. I have an 1,2gHz via-epia (x86) CPU and 1GB of RAM (cc4.2 linux) it's not as fast as the atom and the fpu is there but not great. I have 7.6 wich is faster. My pet theory is that squeezeplays ineficiency is using up all spare cpu at the server (and the device itself) needed when this big files is going to be played. The old type of players loads the server significantly less than the never ones So using Touch's ir remote would be the less CPU intense way to cue up an album for it . I have no idea how much iPeng or the andriod apps spanks the server ? Also avoiding the web-UI when using a slow server would help. Don't use visualizers at all maybe not even the cover art if your server is slow. Wired if possible, the buffer fills faster, wifi eats some cpu at the Touch also. The old 7.5.x do have an option somewhere for "faster artwork resizing" That would be recommended on slow servers (7.6 seems to handle artwork different/faster I think it appears so to me ) Also recoding all 24/96 flac to -5 improved things greatly for me . 7.6 can have a part as it uses SQlite instead of MySQL, this works much better on cpu starved hardware and there seems to be fw improvements to. But don't ever go 7.6 beta if you don't like to tinker and having the wholes system crashing on regular basis. -- Mnyb -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 and assorted amps SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4 Contour Center, and Contour 1.3SE for the rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub. Bedroom/Office: Boom Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4 Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery) I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to control this ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mnyb's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ Touch mailing list