Hello everyone, new member of the forum here and a new Touch owner too.
I have had my Touch for two weeks now and think it's marvellous in
every regard. So easy to set up and to use and, for my tastes,
absolutely stunning sound. I'm very happy with it indeed and would like
to thank the members of this forum for their wise words and
encouragement to potential purchasers.

I run Squeezebox Server on my computer and play mostly 24bit Flacs with
no problems at all. However I do have a rather small perplexing problem
you might be able to help me with. I subscribe to the B&W Speakers
'Society of Sound' music download service and with some of their
tracks, not all, I have the following problem: a single album when
loaded into the Server will show on the Touch as two albums with just
one track on 'album one' and the remaining tracks on 'album two'.
Another album with quite a few tracks actually splits into three
'albums' with a few tracks on each! The album title in these examples
repeats itself five or so times in a cascade on the screen. Prior to
obtaining my Touch I experimented with Squeezeplay Beta on my computer
and by way of a test have found that the problem occurs on Squeezeplay
as well. I have to admit I'm not too knowledgeable here and therefore I
tend to take things slowly and check everything as I go but I just can't
work out what may be causing this problem, some sort of file corruption
I suppose, although I have re-downloaded a couple of the problem albums
to no effect. As stated earlier this problem applies to only five albums
downloaded out of twentfive or so in total.

If anyone has any ideas on this I would greatly appreciate hearing from
them for which my thanks in anticipation.

Cholas's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40960
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=82793

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