soundcheck;601644 Wrote: 
> All modification are of cumulative nature. Some of them got more some
> less impact. That's right. ;)  
> That's why I'm saying if you can't run wired or with screen off - don't
> expect huge jumps. 
> Many people asked for WLAN on/off though. I wasn't really happy with
> this request. However I still built that feature in. Even small
> improvements can be enjoyable.
> Thx for the feedback. Good to see that it worked out for you too.


Many thanks for making your mods available to all! (I've made a

Unfortunately, at this time I'm unable to turn off the WLAN, but I
enabled the PCM stream to the Touch and turned off the analog outputs.
Of these two, the PCM seemed to have the greatest impact. I had to set
the buffer size to 4000. I'll try the screen-off next.

What I hear is a greater overall clarity. On well recorded music, I
hear better definition of instrument lines and voices and,
surprisingly, tighter and more tuneful bass. Well worth the effort,
which you made fairly simple for those, like me, with limited IT

Again, thanks a lot, and keep at it!

Guido F.


*Front End*: Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge;
Cambridge Azur 840C CD Player; Oppo BDP--83 Universal Player; 
Squeezebox Touch Music File Player (digital out to Cambridge Azur 840C
*Preamps*: Conrad Johnson Motif (Phono); Adcom GFP-750 (Line)
*Amps*: Music Reference RM-200 Mk II (Main); Little Tube Mk III
*Subwoofer Equalizer*: DSpeaker Antimode 8033
*Speakers*: Martin Logan SL3s; REL T1 Subwoofer
*Headphones*: AKG K701
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