SlimPvC;606895 Wrote: 
> This week I finally replaced my (still flawless) SB2 for the Touch. I
> assumed the Touch could do everything the SB2 could, so I was suprised
> by some things I found that I could do no longer (like configuring the
> home menu, but I'll get back to that in another thread).
> But since the album art shows in the Touch, there's something bothering
> me that I already noticed in the server before (but ignored since the
> SB2 doesn't show artwork). 
> For a fairly great number of albums in my collection, the album art
> that is available seems to be replaced by a standard album (in my case
> of Weird Al Yankovic, a venomous twist of fate :-)
> For these albums, there is the right art available in the
> directories,but it does not show. All MP3's have the artwork embedded
> and the folders contain additional folder.jpg 
> There are also folders without album art, these just show the 'no album
> art' image, like they should. 
> I cannot find out why this particular image is shown in these cases. 
> Tried a full rescan but that did not help. 
> Anyone noticed this and has any suggestion? 
> Bye
> Peter

I had a few problems like this when I first got my touch. In every case
it was a tagging problem.
Probably teaching you to suck eggs but, here are some of the problems I
came accross..
1. Have you got each album in a seperate folder?
I have mine as ATRIST/ALBUM/TITLE.flac or .mp3
I also have the album art embedded in each file and a copy saved as
ALBUM.jpg in the same folder.It seems to make a difference (at least to
me) if the Album Folder Name, The ALBUM TAG's and the ALBUM.jpg are
"ALL" named the same.
2. Are you dead certain that all the tracks in an album have the same
album art embedded?
I have noticed if you have an odd one out it seems to pick up that one
insted of the majority for some reason.
3. Are you sure thay are .jpg's I found a few .png's slipped in somehow
and these didn't work. I just saved them as .jpg in my art package and
they popped up in SBS no problem.
I'm on 7.5.3 btw.

I Hope you can sort it because I find it makes the touch much more
pleasurable to use when you can see the album art, especialy from the
older albums, makes me very nostalgic for the old LP sleeves ;-)

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