So received/configged the Touch last night. I do use balanced outs so
the DACMagic is still engaged. I will get around to trying the built-in
audio outs but haven't yet. Based on the following I KNOW it will sound
better than the audio outs on the SB which was really pretty mediocre
IMHO. I'll get the bad out first. Dislikes: 1) Don't like not being
able to lock the volume like the SB. (I hear there is a patch for this)
2) Setting static IP appears to be a pain. Likes: 1) Touch sensitive
display. 2) Great value. 3) Excellent sound! 24/96 files are amazing!
but even mp3 sounds great. I would not have expected much improvement
over the SB because I'm just using it as a transport and the outboard
DAC is doing the heavy lifting but the improvement is inarguable. More
to come but a question: The Touch also upsamples to 24/176 or 192 like
the SB did, i.e., even 24/96 files are upsampled?

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