Atver;598205 Wrote: 
> Heck....I said I SUSPECT it would sound better, the mac setups I have
> heard were very good and comparable to a good CD player. Where as my
> Touch is about 60% of my CDP. 
> I love what the Touch does, I'd just like to improve the sound a bit.

The interesting part is that with good rips made by dBpower amp or EAC
that are bit perfect, yes absolutely all information from the CD is
there, and with a network based transport mechanism , that does not do
anything to the sound.
The "mechanical part" is as good as it's gets better or equal than any
CDP can do :) CD is from 1979 the error control etc is not fantastic
compared to a harddrive (otherwise you computer would never work).

If you don't want to mod the Touch by bypassing the output caps there
is finally time to borrow to and try some other DAC's.

A remotely possible (but not so likely) trouble source is the
switchmode external PSU delivered with the Touch it can spew out some
rf junk back to the powerline that migth affect other equipment  in
your system. The Touch itself is hardly affected as it has more
internal switchmode regulators and therefore is not really that
sensitive to it's psu. External PSU is naturally an expensive ad on .
Note that a baddly designed linear psu also disturb the power line.
The squeezebox has spawned a whole cottage industry with "hardware
leechers " or what to call them, that peedle useless ad-ons and mods
(or in some cases make it worse).If they sell "quantum purifiers" they
are definitely charlatans and completely incompetent as EE's beware.

Another opportunity is the Transporter SE ! yes Logitech has re-spawned
the Transporter , now it's actually cheaper than before but lacks some
gadgetry navigation knob (that did nothing for the sound).

It has a better DAC directly in the Squeezebox and balanced outputs and
good analog output stage that is very silent. The unique thing with this
is that you get rid of the whole potential "spdif problem" .
The asynchronous and buffered way etc that the music files are
transported toa sueezebox get's rid off the whole transport to DAC
jitter problem.
(That is why single box CDP's can theoretically be better than a CD
transport + DAC)

But the Touch actually has some advantages , it supports more file
formats internally and is the future , all new functionality that may
come is not likely to be developed fro the old architecture.
And that nice color touchscreen and menu system.

The Touch is small so with a selection of tunes on USB stick it could
be carried to the hifi dealer if you want to try DAC's .
But imho it's better to audition at home and avoid the sales pitch from
hifi dealers they are ignorant and would probably frown at such things
as squeezeboxes in many cases.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH and
assorted amps SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4
Contour Center, and Contour 1.3SE rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)

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