Phil Leigh;616732 Wrote: 
> They may be undeniable to you, however...
> There is an equally plausible explanation, which also explains why not
> everyone will hear any difference at all...
> Put simply, it all depends on the design of your DAC and how easily (or
> not) it can recover the clock from s/pdif and how well isolated the DAC
> clock (and its PSU) and analogue section of the DAC are from the s/pdif
> ground plane, the mains earth and radiated RFI.
> DAC's vary widely in these respects. Thus by all means try such things,
> but be very wary of generalisations. Life just isn't that simple
> (sadly). If it works for you, great. Others may not have the same
> problem to begin with, or it may not be solved for them in the same way
> it is for you.
> Peace.
> Phil

I've also heard other opinions on this, such as that the wifi receiver
inside the Touch may be generating quite a lot of RF noise, so killing
it may result in a less frantic digital pathway.

Opinions vary, I agree that over-generalizations are dangerous, but at
the same time caution against 'each case is completely different from
any other case' sentiments. That extreme is also equally stupid as
making sweeping generalization. Many cases share many common traits,
and it is our obligation to seek out and find and document those, in
order to continue our progress without being blindsided.

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