Yes, you can change the name by editing the samba configuration file.

- Enable remote login.
  Settings > Advanced > Remote Login > Enable SSH.
- Using an SSH client such as 'PuTTY for Windows'
  (, connect to the Touch on port 22 with username
  'root' and password '1234'.
- Go to the Samba configuration directory.
  # cd /etc/samba
- Edit the smb.conf.dist file, which is a template file for the Samba
  configuration file.
  # vi smb.conf.dist
- Change the 'netbios name', then save the file.
- Restart Samba (or reboot the Touch).
  # /etc/init.d/samba restart

If you're unfamiliar with vi, you can do a google search for one of the
many guides available online. It might also be a good idea to first make
a backup of smb.conf.dist.

# cp smb.conf.dist smb.conf.dist.bak

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