I am using a QNAP TS-110 and it works well.  I am very happy with it in
fact.  But I have to agree with John that a Vortexbox is much easier
and better (from what I have read - I don't have any actual
I went the NAS route because I believed that it would be the cheapest
solution to a server.  The QNAP TS-110 is about the cheapest NAS I
could find that seems to be able to host a Squeezebox server.  But if I
had it to do over again, I would definitely look into one of the Intel
ATOM based computers.  It looks to me like you could get one for the
same or less money than the NAS I bought, and it would be more powerful
and easier to set up.
The NAS wasn't too bad to set up.  I made it through the process and I
am pretty much a computer idiot.  But it is not for the timid either. 
There are instructions on the QNAP web site.  You can look at them and
decide if the process sounds like something you could do.
I have a desktop PC that I can use for ripping, so the Vortexbox (which
includes the CD ROM drive and software to rip with) wasn't necessary to
me.  Vortexbox is a nice, all wrapped up, easy to use package, but not
the cheapest solution.
Of course, if you are a bit more brave, and cost is a big issue, the
Squeezeplug, Sheevaplug or any of those "plug" devices has got to be
the cheapest way to go.


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