Okay, I give up.  I have had my Touch for about a week.

First day everything ran great.  I paused it one night and the next
day, the SBS and the player will not see each other.

The player says to start the server.  Server says Total Players
Recognized: 0

The router says everything is okay. My Windows 7 x64 firewall says that
Squeezebox Server can do anything is likes.

I have rebooted each item individually to no avail.  I have uninstalled
and reinstalled SBS 7.5.4 -r32171  a few times.

Since I am new to this, what is most likely the thing I am missing?  I
thought it was that I was somehow connected to mysqueezebox.com which
prevented my from connecting to my library but I don't think that is
the case.


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