thank you for the suggestions so far.

I realised, as I'm at work now, that the player listed in
'' is just the player I registered with and it isn't
actually seeing my player on the network.

On the SBS side, all diagnostics report ok except that it cannot see
the player.

On the SB touch side, it's connected to my home network at 100% signal
and ping is fine, except it can't see the server!

On the router, both the host pc with SBS and the touch are listed in
the DHCP page and all the relevant ports are open!

As soon as I get my next day off work I shall try the hard reset
suggested for the router. I've already hard reset the touch with no
success but will try it again as part of the routine.

I shall report back as soon as I'm able.

Many thanks again for the suggestions.


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