Phil Leigh;643160 Wrote: 
> Level 8 uses more CPU than 5 - on a PC this doesn't amount to a hill of
> beans, but on SB hardware (TP, Touch etc) this difference CAN be enough
> to cause intermittant problems with hi-rez file playback (assuming you
> are streaming FLAC native, not as PCM).
> Best bet is to stick with level 5 (actually I use level 0 these days;
> disk space is Sooooo cheap :-)With regular 'ol 16b 44.1khz redbook, I've 
> never known flac -8 to be a
problem with my Transporter, SB3, SBBoom, SBRadio or SBTouch.  Because
I use flacs with embedded cuesheets, SBS 7.5x and earlier always
streamed flac -0 to the players anyway because of transcoding.  My
SBReceiver seemed to have trouble with even that...but the SBR always
struck me as the slow-learner in the class.

Having been using SBS 7.6 beta since shortly after the branch was
created (i.e. for more than a year), the flac -8 has been streaming
nativly to the players and (with the exception of the SBR) I've never
noticed any problems.

But I'm not really disagreeing with Phil here.  Flac -0 or flac -5 will
provide you with a bit of insurance.  You'll spend much less time (and
money too, if time == money) moving your audio library to a larger hard
disc than you would re-flacing the collection to down-compress from 8 to

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