You can use the Touch's built-in server (known as TinySC or TinySBS, but
listed on the Touch only as "Squeezebox Server") to play tracks from a
USB hard drive, USB thumb drive, or SD card connected directly to the
Touch. To access music on any other storage you need to run regular SBS
_somewhere_. That somewhere could be your pc or your NAS, assuming your
NAS is capable of running SBS. 

TinySC/TinySBS cannot reach out and find your files on the NAS.
Actually, strictly speaking it can if you set up NFS on the Touch and
on the NAS, but (a) that is pretty difficult, and (b) most people who
have tried it said that performance is lousy. If you know your way
around Linux a bit and want to try it, search these forums for Touch
and NFS.

If you can't or don't want to leave the pc on overnight, have you
looked into letting it go into suspend or hibernate overnight?

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