PaulEast;646276 Wrote: 
> Do you think there is anything unusual in what I am trying to do? I
> would have thought there would have been hundreds (or even thousands)
> of SB users trying to do exactly as I am.
> I quoted the make and model of the NAS because I was beginning to fear
> that "all NASs are not equal" but I rather hoped that a big company
> like Western Digital wouldn't have just launched a new NAS product
> without it being capable in this area.
> Can anyone tell me whether installing Squeezebox Server on a My Book
> Live NAS is a viable option?
> Thanks for the suggestion of hibernating the PC. I will try it again
> but the problem last time was that in this spell of warmer weather, the
> fan wanted
What you're trying to do isn't unheard of but it is a little unusual,
and more important, it is outside the scope of the Touch. As noted, you
basically have three options: (1) use TinySBS with a USB drive, (2) run
SBS on a pc, accessing a music library on the pc and/or NAS, or (3) run
SBS on the NAS.

All NASs are definitely not created equal, but in fairness to WD, NAS
stands for Network Attached _Storage_. Most consumer-grade NAS devices
like that are meant to run file server software, and not music server
software. And generally they do a fine job of acting as a file server.
I'm not sure about your exact model, but see this thread for some info
about installing SBS on a WD My Book Live: . It's not as
straightforward as installing SBS on a regular pc.

It sounds like you're trying to suspend the pc, not hibernate it.
Either are viable options, but a big difference is that when
hibernating everything in RAM is written to disk, and then the pc is
powered off completely, so there can be no fan whirring if it is
hibernated. The downside of hibernate is that it takes a little longer
to come out of hibernation than it does to come out of suspend; the
downside of suspend is that the continues to draw some minimal power to
hold everything in RAM, and that might make the fan come on.

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