verycd;660802 Wrote: 
> 1) I wanted to disable the auto-scanning on the Touch. Following a
> thread on this forum, I installed Putty (actually extraputty) on my
> Windows XP.

Did you enable SSH on the Touch at Settings > Advanced > Remote Login?

> I input the IP of my Touch (, selected "ssh", and pressed
> "enter", a window came out with a green cursor at the upper left corner
> - I suppose if I type anything now, it will appear there.

Port 22?

With PuTTY the first time I set up a new connection and attempt to
connect I get a warning popup. After dismissing it (and on subsequent
connections) the first thing is the prompt

login as:

If you don't see the prompt, I'd try hitting 'Enter' first. Most likely
you won't be able to login until you see the prompt. Enter 'root', not
the password at the first prompt. Then you'll get the password prompt,
where you enter '1234', unless you've changed it.

> 2) The Touch says it is successfully connected to my home network
> wirelessly. But I can't find the icon in XP as "my workplace". It
> appeared there once - I tried to click and open it but a message popped
> out, saying I didn't have permission to access and needed to consult the
> administrator of the server.

Have you enabled sharing under Settings > Advanced > USB & SD Storage >
Sharing? I would also clear the password under 'Set Sharing Password'.

It doesn't always show up in My Network Places. I don't know why, but
it can be flaky. That shouldn't matter, though. You should be able to
enter the IP address of the Touch in Windows Explorer


Or you may be able to enter the name you've given it in Settings >
Squeezebox Name.


Be sure to use the double backslashes.

> I consulted myself - the admin of the Touch but of course no good news.
> Windows XP on my computer didn't ask the password of the Touch or
> anything when I clicked the icon. Now I can't see it in "my workplaces"
> even after restart my computer and the Touch.

This is why it's a good idea to clear the password. It doesn't always
play nice with Windows.

> Plus, I never successfully opened the Touch IP in a web browser - IE or
> Firefox. I just try to transfer music files wirelessly so I don't have
> to unplug the hard drive everyday. Unfortunately I can't make it happen
> without more basic computer knowledge.

The Touch's implementation of the server doesn't have a web browser, so
you can forget that.

> 3) If I disabled the Touch Server but didn't physically remove it
> (unplugging the USB) then the Touch would tell me something like
> "nothing was attached - but it couldn't connect the USB devices, try
> again!" when I tried to restart the Touch Server. I have to unplug the
> hard drive and replug it to get the Touch recognize it. Is that the
> case or I did anything wrong again?

Not all USB devices work with the Touch. For whatever reason, it may be
necessary to do that with the device you're using. Some hard drives have
a hard time spinning up because of their power requirement - you'll
usually hear a very faint ticking sound if you place your ear next to
the drive when that's the case and you can often tell by the lack of
vibration that the disk isn't spinning.

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