The stereophile measurements for the  SBT suggest it is really very well
engineered. It probably should not be a surprise that it sounds good. I
am gradually coming round to the view that 

1 competently designed digital source components are pretty good these

2 the difference between them (or even the difference between them and
competently designed expensive digital source components) is much less
than the differences to be gained at the speaker/room end of things.

3  If you can implement DRC on the touch it will probably make more
difference than a front end upgrade. 

4  You can get digital front ends to sound very different by buggering
them up though.

5  It is relatively easy to plug in source components. Messing around
with speakers is more of a hassle, involves complex space and aethestic
choices and compromises, and it likely to have unpredictable results if
you don;t audition in your room first due to acoustic interactions

6 Hence people like box-swapping at the front end even though it makes
more sense to concentrate on the speaker/room end.

I recently compared over some time 2 DACS which had pretty well nothing
in common AFAIK and I don't think I could really discern any difference
between them at all.

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