Wow... only today I happened to read through parts of this thread... The  
swapping sounds interesting. I think we dismissed the idea because we  
didn't want the listening experience to be negatively impacted, eg.  
playback being delayed because a codec had been swapped out etc. It'll be  
interesting to hear more about your experience. You should convert this  
posting to a wiki article ( or even better:  
an applet :-).

As for the scrobbling: your description sounds reasonable. I'm surprised  
there has been no bug-report yet. Could you please open a ticket on Thanks!


Am 07.12.2011, 14:31 Uhr, schrieb treepleks  

> Preliminaries: all this has been done from a Linux box. This is also
> feasible from Windows or MacOSX, you just have to adapt to your OS (ssh
> client, paths).
> I had my squezebox touch running TinySB 7.7 on a LaCie 500GB 2.5" USB
> disk. I was pretty satisfied with it but
> 1) the >15000 (FLAC) tracks need a lot of server memory and I
> occasionally got "oom" (out of memory) oops in the log files.
> 2) the lastfm scrobbler did not work when I was connected to the tinySB
> server .
> I apparently solved the first issue (which also seems to improve the
> overall interface speed a bit) by adding (virtual) memory to the
> Squeezebox touch. The idea is just to create a swapfile on the USB disk
> (or SD card by the way, you just need to choose the correct path to the
> device instead of /dev/sda1).
> Proceed as follows:
> - enable SSH on the squeezebox
> - connect to the squeezebox: ssh root@<squeeezbox-ip>
> - download a fresh new "busybox" executable compiled for ARM on your
> USB disc (available in /media/sda1) and set it as executable.
> cd /media/sda1
> mkdir bin
> cd bin
> wget
> mv busybox-armv6l busybox
> chmod a+x busybox
> This busybox binary has all bells and whistles, so it contains mkswap
> and swapon. Just make this easy to access:
> ln -s busybox mkswap
> ln -s busybox swapon
> Now make a 128 MB swap file (larger is useless apparently, I never
> exceeded 40MB swap usage)
> dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=128
> Then format the swapfile as swap
> ./mkswap swapfile
> Activate swap
> ./swapon swapfile
> You can check with "free" that swap is activated. To make this
> resilient to reboot, you should create a "" file that
> contains these commands at the root of your disk (/media/sda1)
> ---- CUT HERE ----
> #!/bin/sh
> /media/sda1/bin/mkswap /media/sda1/bin/swapfile
> /media/sda1/bin/swapon /media/sda1/bin/swapfile
> ---- CUT HERE ----
> make this script executable
> chmod a+x /media/sda1/
> This was not enough in my case. The init script that executse
> on every mounted device is executed too early and the
> USB disk is not yet mounted at this time. I just inserted a "sleep 10"
> line in /etc/init.d/rcS  just before the block in charge of the
> execution. Boot is a little slower, but I do not boot
> often :-)
> This is it, your tinySB server will never die again from oom errors (it
> never did again in my case, YOMMV).
> Second: audioscrobbling
> The tinySB has the Audioscrobbler plugin, but the settings
> (/etc/squeezecenter/prefs/plugin/audioscrobbler.prefs) are apparently
> never updated to contain a username AND an associated MD5 hashed+salt
> password for lastfm. Even if I installed the LastFM application
> (pretending to live in UK to make this possible on my mysqueezebox
> profile), audioscrobbling would work only  when connected to an
> external server or to Not to the tinySB.
> I found a simple blunt solution. I installed the full SB server on a PC
> (running linux, but this should not be really different under other
> OSes, just different paths to files) and went to advanced settings to
> configure the audioscrobbler plugin with my LastFM username and
> password.
> I then explored the server files on the PC to find the
> "audioscrobbler.prefs" file. On Linux it is in
> /var/lib/squeezecenter/prefs/plugin if I remember well. It did contain
> my LastFM password (salted and hashed).
> I just copied the little rascal file on the squeezebox (use scp on
> Linux or MacOSX), at the correct location
> (/etc/squeezecenter/prefs/plugin/), replacing the original file (keep a
> copy if you are not too confident), rebooted the squeezebox. If you then
> go to advanced parameters on the SB Touch, you will see that your LastFM
> account appears now as the first line in the LastFM audioscrobbler
> settings, but is not activated. Just select it and...voila
> audioscrobbling works.


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