The Touch and Radio keep their own time using the linux "system time"
which is kept in software based on the processor clock, which is not
particularly accurate. A 2 minute drift is definitely possible, but it
usually takes several days to get that far off. The Touch has a
separate hardware clock which is WAY more accurate, but it is not used
in the existing firmware. (you can issue linux commands to sync the
system clock to the RTC, but the firmware does not automatically do
this). The problem with the RTC is that it is not battery backed, you
have to reset it after every power up. 

The Touch is supposed to sync itself to whatever server the Touch is
connected to once per hour. If there is no server connected it won't
sync. For example if the server is asleep at the time of the sync the
Touch won't send a WOL to wake it up just to get the time. If your
server is frequently sleeping you can wind up with issues if its never
awake when the Touch wants to get its time. You can get araound this by
playing music continuously for say an hour and a half, that should
pretty much guarantee the time update will happen while the server is

You can see whats happening on the Touch by SSHing to it (use PuTTY on
windows) and checking the log file (vi /var/log/messages). If it can't
connect to a server to get its time it will put an error message in the
log file. 

John S.

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