I'm interested in a few testers to see if they can tell any audible
difference between a few cases using a blind testing applet I've put
together for Touch called "Audio Blind Tester".  The idea is that it
allows multiple people to evaluate a set of configurations and rate
which sounds preferable without knowing which configuration they are
listening to at the specific time.  This is intended to help validate
that specific configurations really do sound better...

The applet only supports changes which can be made on the fly without
restarting Touch, but I hope this is useful enough to try out some

To try following the following steps:
- add the url:
http://triodeapplets.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/audiotestrepo.xml to your
additional repositories section on the LMS plugin setting page
- from the Touch menu: Settings, Advanced, Applet Installer; unselect
"recommended only" and install "Audio Blind Tester"

When the Touch reboots, there should be a new option on the Extras
menu: "Audio Blind Tester", this contains a list of test sets which you
can run (two by default) when you enter a test set you will navigate
through a series of test which compare two setting ("Test case A" and
"Test case B").  These represent randomly selected pairs of
configurations and you can select either one as many times as necessary
from the menu to make a decision of which sounds preferable.  Once you
have, select the "Record Preference" menu and then select whether A > B
(A sounds better than B), A < B (A sounds worse than B) or A = B (sound
the same).  Once you have registered your preference the menu will move
onto the next pair of test cases.  Rate each pair and you will get to a
Results menu which records the scores of each of the underlying test. 
Each case gets a +1 score if you preferred it, a -1 score if you did
not prefer it and 0 if you did not hear any difference.

The purpose of the applet is to see if the same person always rates the
same test cases as preferable and if other users rate the cases in the
same way.

I've included two test sets with the applet:
- Audio Tests #1 - demo test set which shows how the applet works
- Audio Tests #2 - test set including some changes which may impact

I'd be interested in people's scores for each of these cases and also
whether they can regularly rate the different options within a test set
in the same order.  [If this is so then it justifies that configuration
as a "better" configuration].  I'll post later on whether there is
actually any difference, so will hold off explaining this now...

Expert users:
The test applet can be extended by adding additional xml files into the
/usr/share/jive/applets/AudioBlindTester folder containing
configurations which can be started and stopped via linux commands. 
See tests1.xml as an example, but don't post here what's in it as this
will spoil people's enjoyment of the test :)

Please post if you think this is useful and specifically if you can
regularly rate either of the test sets in a specific order.

Triode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=93583

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