tufty;693567 Wrote: 
> Fixed volume (100%) with Replay Gain definitely works, as do FLAC files
> with the appropriate tags. (I think the gain adjustment is applied
> after whatever file is converted internally to PCM so is not restricted
> by format).
> When playing with the Replay Gain options, it will not alter the
> playback volume of the currently playing song... you must replay the
> song to hear the effect of the settings.

Ahh, that may explain it. You may have hit the key!  When I was
initially playing with it and it was "working" was with fixed volume
turned off.  That's when I noticed that dramatic difference when
switching during playback.  I think later my tests with fixed on and
off, when the volume slider wasn't changing, I wasn't restarting the
song.  I think my initial perception of it "working" was not
ReplayGain's effect at all, but some other randomly changing volume
slider issue.  

I'll go back and try again this evening with re-selecting the song from
the home->Music menu after changing the setting and see if there's a
perceived difference.  

I THINK I tried replaying the track...but maybe I'll try it by going
back to the Home menu and selecting the song again to make sure it's
really doing it.   

Of course the audiophile in me always dreads the potential "quality
loss" from RG...but I figure the kind of detail loss possible from a
flat gain adjustment to a digital signal at 24-bit precision probably
can't compare to the loss that always happens even in 6" analog cables
and preamp tubes!  And the way it will spare my ears (this is being
used in a headphone setup) to allow me to hear ANY detail in 10 years
time will be worth the potential subtle loss of microdynamics ;) 

> Worth checking your Touch Settings menu to make sure that the setting
> is being applied there, since it is at that end that any gain is
> applied.

When you say checking the Touch Settings menu to make sure it's being
applied, where do you mean to check?  On the Settings->Audio->Volume
Adjust menu where it was originally set?  The setting does hold there,
as well as on the server side's Settings->Player->(this player)->Audio
Settings menu.   If not those, you'll have to guide me to the right
place :) 

I'll be getting a second Touch to compare with as well.  I really
really like the first one.  I'm moving from an iPod Touch running iPeng
(SqueezePlayer) on a Pure i-20 dock.  The Pure is really nice with the
iPod solution, but the big, readable screen, nicer remote, and lack of
the cruddy Apple async USB interface with all the clicks and pops in
the audio is a nice change :) And in both cases I prefer SqueezeCenter
to DLNA.  It has so many more music-oriented features. And I don't have
to worry about losing my music station when the battery dies ;)

Thanks, your replies so far may have really isolated everything I
needed to know to figure it out!  

It may well be that my idea that it's "broken" was based on a
combination of me misinterpreting whatever odd volume slider adjustment
I had without "fixed volume" on as being the effect of ReplayGain,  plus
my looking for gain changes when switching without changing tracks.

Your info that it definitely works with fixed volume, and that it
doesn't immediately change gain when playing may be the keys I needed! 
And I'm really glad it works with "fixed volume." Thanks!

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