albertone74 wrote: 
> Many thanks for your kind responses. I am vey happy with my sistem and
> it is working great without no drop-outs at all. I must admit that I was
> tempted by the ethernet connection as I have read somewhere in this
> forum that the wired connection 'sounds' better than the WIFI one as
> from a streaming perspective there are two wireless hops: First data
> from the server/PC to the router (via the SB) and then from the router
> back to the SB. I can't figure it out why though.
Some people contend that the wifi card in the Touch generates
interference and/or unnecessarily taxes the Touch's CPU, leading to
reduced sound quality. The evidence to back up these contentions is,
shall we say, sketchy and highly idiosyncratic. You could try
temporarily connecting your Touch via wired (ethernet) to see if you
hear any difference. Buy an extra long run of ethernet cable for the
test if you need to -- it will come in handy again at some point I bet.

If you are not getting dropouts at present, despite having two wireless
hops, then you should continue to be fine continuing as you are.

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