bencat wrote: 
> None of this is changing this all the abums when viewed on SBT and on
> Squeezebox server on line have duplicates in them . However if I look in
> each of the folders in my music folder on HD the labums only have the
> correct number of tracks no duplicates . This has to be somehting in
> either the SBT or the Squeezebox server settings that is doing this . If
> it had just created ghost duplicates I would be fine with that but if
> you start an album from the 1st track it plays every track twice. 
> Having also reset the SBT and done a complete unistall and re install of
> a new copy of LMS I am just lost at what to do now . Is there any
> software I could run to change things in one go rather than have the
> tedious work of deleting track by track ?
If you're sure that your problem is duplicate listings and not actual
duplicates (as implied in your first paragraph above), then I don't
recommend starting to delete anything "in one go", or you could end up
with nothing in your library.

You mentioned clearing the cache, etc, but didn't say whether or not you
had drilled down to look at the track info (as I suggested in post #5).
It could simply be a case of LMS seeing two different paths to the same
file, as Mnyb suggested in post #7. It could be UNC vs. drive letter
mapping differences, or shortcuts, or something else that leads to the
track duplication. But the info is right there in LMS if you look for
it: use the LMS web UI and examine the details for each of the apparent
duplicates, focusing especially on the file location. Then report back
what you find.

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