On 27 June 2012 10:39, chill <chill.5et...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com> wrote:
> I just tried this with a fresh-out-of-the-box Touch [...] the first thing it
> did after I entered my wifi password was to prompt me to download
> the latest firmware.  At this stage I had not told the unit anything
> about my local LMS setup, [...]
> I could not get the 'swipe right at the help screen' to work, but I DID
> eventually manage to bypass the MySB setup using the remote. [...]
> It is indeed the right arrow - as soon as the MySB login screen
> comes up, press AND HOLD the right arrow, and it takes you to the
> home screen, from where you can set up your LMS IP address.

Now *that* is great news, thank you!

To the people who don't get it. You don't have to, really, but I'll still bite.

> I don't think they were trying to take away any functionality with
> having the mysqueezebox.com option.

The operative word being /option/. With my SB2 it was optional. I
could set it up or not. Now it's presented as a neccessary part of
setup, without an obvious or even documented way to bypass it. If
there was a skip button I wouldn't be complaining (as loudly).

> They were trying to accommodate users who couldn't have/didn't
> want to have a computer/full server running.
> [...]
> Especially if one considers that probably the fastest growing part of
> the market doesn't have a local music collection, but instead listens
> to streaming services.

That's probably true, and rather sad. I still think people should buy
products based upon what they want, not based upon market trends.

For that use case the Squeezeboxen are pretty much overkill, IMHO. The
revolutionary thing about them was that they finally made music stored
digitally on a computer available to the living room stereo / in other
more natural listening situations (SBB, Radio). But hey, to each his
own. I just don't like the classic functionality to take a back seat.

The problem is, Squeezeboxes are *good* at streaming music over the
LAN from a local server, they aren't very good at streaming from the
'net without one. SqueezeNetwork (what's now mysb.com) was a band-aid
neccessary for the older Squeezeboxes, that were dumb audio terminals
by design. Even back then people were constantly complaining about
connection problems, drop outs and other network problems - and they
still are, just read the Touch's worse Amazon reviews. That's what you
get when you try to run software that was designed for the LAN over a
WAN. Really, if I wanted something for streaming I'd buy something a
lot cheaper with enough "brain" to handle everything onboard. The
Touch certainly could do that, since it can even run (well, walk) a
stripped-down server, but it still depends on mysb.com for stand-alone
streaming. Why? There certainly isn't a technical reason ...

> Just register and save some time and struggling, you have obviously
> already registered on this forum so Logitech already have your
> e-mail so I don't understand the issue with giving them it once more.

Mailing list, but yes. It isn't about the e-mail, though, not at all.
It's about being able to match a physical device (and its location) to
a person. They can track each (registered) Squeezebox sold, including
re-sales. They can black-list Squeezeboxes for whatever reason. They
can track what music you listen to, when and for how long. They know
what services you subscribe to. They can track what CDs you buy and
rip ... and sell all that data to ad companies. Sorry, but I do not
want that.
Of course the local server could log all this data and phone home,
too. It doesn't, though, and even if it did, without the registration
the data remains anonymous. Mysb.com on the other hand collects all
that and more during normal operation, as a matter of course. Do they
sell any data? Probably not. Won't they ever? Noone can say.

All that, and I just don't like to be strong-armed into things.

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