fallenguru wrote: 
> > Just register and save some time and struggling, you have obviously
> > already registered on this forum so Logitech already have your
> > e-mail so I don't understand the issue with giving them it once more.
> Mailing list, but yes. It isn't about the e-mail, though, not at all.
> It's about being able to match a physical device (and its location) to
> a person. They can track each (registered) Squeezebox sold, including
> re-sales. They can black-list Squeezeboxes for whatever reason. They
> can track what music you listen to, when and for how long. They know
> what services you subscribe to. They can track what CDs you buy and
> rip ... and sell all that data to ad companies. Sorry, but I do not
> want that.
> Of course the local server could log all this data and phone home,
> too. It doesn't, though, and even if it did, without the registration
> the data remains anonymous. Mysb.com on the other hand collects all
> that and more during normal operation, as a matter of course. Do they
> sell any data? Probably not. Won't they ever? Noone can say.
> All that, and I just don't like to be strong-armed into things.
I do understand your concerns, I'm just saying that you are tracked
anyway, so a mysqueezebox.com registration won't make it much worse than
it already is.
I would be much more concerned about what kind of information Google,
Microsoft, Apple and similar companies can store about your habits when
accessing Internet with your computer, tablet or phone. Without knowing
your habits, I'm pretty sure Logitech isn't your main problem regarding
privacy, I'm also pretty sure their privacy policy is pretty clear about
that they don't do most of the things you fear they do, especially not
without explicitly asking you for permission first.

If you only use mysqueezebox.com during initial setup, all they will be
able to collect are which device you own, where you are located and
connect that to your e-mail address. If you use a hotmail e-mail address
it doesn't really say them much. You can even register separate
mysqueezebox.com accounts with separate e-mails for each Squeezebox you
own if you prefer to get really anonymous.

However, it's your choice, as described previously in the thread it's
possible to get around it if you prefer that, it's just requires some
extra time and struggling so I would personally recommend you to accept
the mysqueezebox.com registration and after the initial setup connect
the Squeezebox to your local server and forget that mysqueezebox.com

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