garym wrote: 
> confirm, yes EDO will allow you to play 24/192 via the S/PDIF digital
> output of your Touch, assuming your DAC handles 24/192.   CLARIFICATION.
> You say the 24/192 files played before.  Did they play ON THE TOUCH,
> with BOTH EDO and TT3.0 installed?  Or was it just with EDO installed
> alone?  Please clarify exactly how things were setup when you were able
> to play the 24/192 files.
> Also, confirm that in LMS > SETTINGS > ADVANCED > FILE TYPES, you see
> the following setting for FLAC files:
> FLAC  AIFF    flac
>       FLAC    Native
>       MP3     flac/lame
>       PCM     flac

Yes the 24/192 played before on Touch with EDO and TT3.0 installed. Just
checked my FLAC settings and they were out. have reset and 24/192 now
working, thank you very much! 
FLAC    AIFF  flac
FLAC  Native
MP3   Disabled  (greyed out)
PCM   flac

Not sure why MP3 is greyed out.

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