SBGK wrote: 
> funny how other forums look at hydrogenaudio as a bunch of kooks and
> here they are revered, nuff said !!!

What other forums?

The almost dead Stereophile forum?

The just about dead Absolute Sound forum?

The only pattern I see here is that the forums which have a decidedly
subjectivist slant are dying while the forums with a most objectivist
slant are doing well.

As a matter of fact, up until earlier this year this section of the this
forum was filled with many very friendly, knowledgeable and active
members but then the subjectivists started in with their completely fact
free nonsense and slowly but surely many members were driven away until
now there are only a few of us left, vainly trying to beat back all the
garbage that you and other like you continually put forth.

May I suggest that you go over to the Stereophile forum where you and
all your ridiculous claims and ideas will be welcomed with open arms.
Trust me, that forum could use some new blood.

As my parting gift to you here a few links to some cables which I'm
quite will go a long to improving the sound of your system:

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