garym wrote: 
> p.s. I really like my MOG too. Great for trying things out, listening to
> things that I don't have a strong desire to own, or listening to LOTS of
> stuff when I'm away from home and only have my iphone or ipad.  But over
> the relatively short time I've used MOG, I've noticed that some things
> never show up there (that I'm interested in) and probably worse, some
> things do show up, I can play for a while and then a month later, they
> are no longer on MOG at all.  Again, great service, but it wouldn't take
> the place (for me) of owning the music I really want to have as part of
> my permanent collection.
That pretty much describes my feelings about MOG. A great adjunct to my
own music library (which is much smaller than garym's), but not really a
substitute. The gaps in the MOG library and the
now-we-have-it-now-we-don't thing are still sticking points, as are the
occasional glitches when it won't play correctly, such as not playing
all the way through an album. But for music discovery, or grabbing
random tracks and albums that I don't have, or giving albums a good
listening before buying the CD or FLAC download, it's well worth the

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