There are three possibilities that I can see:

1) LMS on the android device.  I don't think this exists, but it's not
technically impossible.
2) upnp server on the android device, local LMS server with upnp client.
This probably exists and could be made to work after a fashion.
3) samba server on android and local LMS which is pointed to the samba

I think there might be a simpler, though somewhat limited solution: build a basic SB controller app (or extend an existing one), let it browse local content through whatever method you have to browse music files, and expose those files through a built in web server. Once you've picked the file(s) to play submit the corresponding URLs to LMS. Obviously this would be limited to controlling the music through this very app, as other controllers can't browse that music. On the plus side you don't need to build a fully fledged LMS or UPnP server.

At least I'd think this should work :-).


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