dustinsterk wrote: 
> Hey Triode....I figured that was going to be tough to debug as that
> message comes from usbaudio.c.  Do you have your code changes publicly
> accessible for others to compile?  I would be happy to take a stab at
> trying to fix it if there is any interest from others.  For the price
> this is a nice little DAC.
> Thanks again.
> --Dustin

Its not documented in any way... What you need to do is use poky to
build the normal image including the kernel.  This is documented on the
wiki for building squeezeos. You need to build the latest 7.7 image. 
This will cause poky to fetch and patch the logitech version of 2.6.26. 
I'd verify you can do this and then load the image on the device before
going any further.

Good luck!

I've then selectively applied a set of patches from more recent usb
kernel changes - the diff for this from the standard build 2.6.26 is

Then recompile linux and rebuild the image - by just compiling linux and
the image, poky won't fetch and extract the original linux.  Here's the
set of commands I used:

Here's an extract from a history from the vm I was doing that on:

2016  bitbake linux-fab4 -c compile -f
2017  bitbake squeezeos-image
2018  cd tmp-fab4/deploy/images/kernel-image/
2019  cp ../fab4.bin .
2020  unzip fab4.bin
2023  zip kernel-test11.bin board.version upgrade.md5 zImage 

You could ignore steps 2018-2023 as they are only to extract the kernel
from the full image.  16 and 17 will build the image after up apply the

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