Cut-Throat wrote: 
> Yup, probably toast......I go on e-bay and find another one. Used or
> Refurb.
> And then be careful......After all the SBT is now 'Vintage Gear' ... I
> treat the SBTs just like my NOS 45 Globe Tubes....No longer made, but
> cherished.

Aha, 45 globes. I recently got a pair off ebay for a song, they work
great. It seems there was a guy up in Canada who owned a radio repair
shop, he recently passed away and his family went through the back of
his shop and put all the tubes up on ebay, not knowing what any of them
were or what they were worth. In that collection was a pair of "in the
original box" globe 45s with a sticker saying they had been received in
october 1935. They had been sitting in the back of the shop for all
those years. They sound wonderful.

John S.

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