garym wrote: 
> i'm guessing pure direct is better, as you don't want to go from Touch >
> digital (usb/spdif/optical) > Oppo DAC > receiver (where it takes the
> Analog from the oppo DAC and converts it to digital again and then uses
> the receivers DAC to convert it back to analog).  This is not typically
> a good idea.   A better chain is:
> Touch > digital (usb/spdif/optical) > Oppo DAC > receiver (where the DAC
> of the receiver is bypassed).
> But to be honest, I'm very confused by your setup.  But I'm not familiar
> with your AVR and how it handles things.
Thanks. I have the Touch connected into the oppo via optical(switched
from usb to experiment  with rebooting issues after switching from oppo
DAC to analog/digital output).
Oppo hooked into AVR via HDMI and 5.1 analog inputs.
Touch connected into AVR via analog to AUx(to run multi room since my
Marantz SR7005 wont send digital multi room singles)

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