P Nelson wrote: 
> Thanks John!
> I did do a search but did not find that thread as I did not think to
> search for NTP.
> I read through the entire thread and did not understand all the
> disucssion, as I don't know linux.  If I understood it correctly, Jean
> created a NTP client which requires  downloading, some edits to select a
> NTP server, transfering to the Touch, and finally execute the
> script/program on the Touch.   However, the last post, says the Touch
> already has a NTP client, I just need to start it up.   In other words,
> I don't need to install Jean;'s script.
> If the Touch already has the ability to automatically set the time, why
> did they not turn it on?  (Michael, any idea?)
> Below is the entry from the last post in John's link:
> Please confirm if this is what I need to do:
> 1.  Get some software such as putty to log into the touch from my
> windows machine.
> 2.  Type the commands:
> ls -la /usr/sbin/m*
> execute /usr/sbin/msntp -r pool.ntp.org
> Sync
> Per John's instructions, I added "sync" to the list of commands.
> Is there a particular directory or location that I enter these commands?
> It is obvious, I have NEVER done this before.
> If I screw this up and brick it, will hiting the reset but undo the
> damage?
> Thanks for your help!
> Paul
You don't need to run "ls -la /usr/sbin/m*" , but it will confirm that
msntp is in that directory. Note that "ls -la" is akin to "dir" in
DOS/Windows land.

Then, the second command is "/usr/sbin/msntp -r pool.ntp.org" . In other
words, you should not type the word "execute".

And yes, if you run into problems a reset (holding down the back button
for ~15 seconds) will set you straight.

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