Aesculus wrote: 
> I did some research on this yesterday and it appears Peters original
> work is still sound, it just needs a bit of refreshing for LMS.
> The problem is that while Logitech 'fixed' the problem of the SB Touch
> not having a fixed volume they blew the implemenation for those that
> still want the ability to use the volume setting to instruct a plugin to
> actually perform the adjustment. This meant that your volume was being
> output at 100% from the SB Touch but you had no way to control it (in my
> case with the DenonAVPControl plugin).
> The solution is still the same as Peter outlined before.  We 'patch' the
> output to always put out 100% but DO NOT select the 100% Volume feature
> on the SB Touch menus.  Selecting the 100% Volume output defeats using
> the UI to control the volume hence plugins will not work appropriately.
> If Peters patch does not work as it was designed it's because he put a
> maxTarget restriction on 7.5+ in his repro file.  The code looks
> reasonable and if the restriction was * or at least 7.7+ it should work
> with Erlands patch installer.
> So the modified instructions would be to follow what Peter wrote in the
> first entry but change the patch file maxTarget="7.5+" to
> maxTarget="7.7+" of even *.
> You can also choose option 2 to use SSH to change the gains mannually. 
> The location is now line 1173 in LMS 7.7.1.
> Don't forget you will have to reboot the SB Touch afterwards by either
> pressing the little reset button or removing the power connector.

I'm a little confused.   A couple of questions:
1:  Peter's patch has not been updated to a new Max Target, correct?  I
have the repo listed, the recommended patch's off, and it still does not
show up.   It has not been updated correct?
2:   I'm trying to patch my touch,   Here is the closest code I can
find, starting at location 1198,  I'm no expert, but the first if looks
like the patch, or does the else need to be edited as well?

  local player = Player:getLocalPlayer()                                  
  if player and player:getDigitalVolumeControl() == 0 then                
  log:debug("User setting of 100% Fixed Volume is set")           
  decode:audioGain(65536, 65536)                                  
  log:debug("gainL, gainR: ", data.gainL, " ", data.gainR)        
  decode:audioGain(data.gainL, data.gainR)                        

Thanks in advance.   BTW, is the patch also needed for Denon Serial

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