JohnSwenson wrote: 
> All SB products output 24 bit, no matter what the input was. If you feed
> them a 16 bit file it adds zeros on to the end. So in a strict sense it
> is not bit perfect, but the audio data is exactly the same. (assuming
> the volume is all the way up and you don't have replay gain turned on).
> It's not just EDO, the S/PDIF outputs do the same thing, with or without
> EDO.
> As to files not playing, can you list some examples (file format, bit 
> depth etc) the server version,  the  Touch firmware version and the file
> type settings in the server. At one point there was a problem with one
> of the  apple file types in some form of compression that caused a
> problem. You could get around it by transcoding to a different  type in
> the server (via the file type settings). I think it has been fixed in
> the latest firmware versions.
> John S.


Many thanks for your reply and explaining BitPerfect testing. At least I
think I can say I have a good ethernet connection between my PC, where
the files are stored, and the DAC.

Regarding some files not playing I think I have resolved the issue under
File Type Settings in Squeezebox Server. The majority of my music is
stored as ALAC files and I have set-up Apple Lossless as follows:

Apple Lossless     Disabled
FLAC                   Disabled
MP3                    Disabled
PCM                    faad

Files that weren't playing previously are now playing. Fingers crossed
that has resolved the issue.

The Touch is replacing a Duet I had running with a Fidelity Audio linear
power supply. At the moment I'm running the Touch with the stock power
supply and a standard computer USB cable. My initial impression of the
Touch with the EDO applet installed is very positive. Sound quality is
excellent, and with the 24 bit tests passing ok, maybe I don't need to
spend any more money on a linear power supply or better quality USB

Thanks again. 


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