tdehan wrote: 
> All 3 of the remotes for my 3 Touch devices are getting sticky and look
> wet!  I first though perhaps the batteries were leaking but that is not
> the case.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  It's almost like the
> plastic material is oozing.

P.S. You can try wiping it down with "'*_Desolv-It_*'
(" or another similar good quality orange oil
cleaner (it should dissolve the oil excretions from the plastics
breakdown) - but isn't 100% guaranteed to solve the issue. Otherwise i'm
told _*baking_soda_and_a_little_water*_ as a paste rubbed into it with
your fingers then wiped off can sometimes work too for this sort of
issue. But YMMV - no guarantees with any of this (I have done the former
reasonably successfully in the past, but not the latter - but regardless
over time the issue just reoccurs).

- *Hi-Fi 1*: VortexBox LMS/SOtM tX-USB; Oppo Cirrus ESS Sabre32 DAC
  (BDP-105D), Yamaha Aventage CX-A5000; Focal SM9s.
- *+ HT*: Sony 55" 4K KD-55X8500C LED, Oppo UDP-203 4K, Apple TV 4K,
  PS3/PlayTV; Focal SM6s (1 Twin6, 2 Solo6, 2 Sub6).
- *Hi-Fi 2*: Sqbox Touch/Focal XS Books.
- *Hi-Fi Misc*: iPeng (iPad/iPhones), Plantronics BB Pro 2 LE
- *Accessories*: Tchernov Classic & Van den Hul IC; Thor PS10 Power
  Station; Blue Jeans & Ruleconnect Cables (Power, HDMI, USB & Coaxial);
  Aurios & Vibrapods.
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