The Oppo 105 Sabre DAC is one of the type that needs to be set to 32-bit
always for the source of the USB connection - so it could be an issue
with the software setting for the player if it's not the Touch's
internal O/S Squeezelite Player?

I have a 105D and used to use my Touch with it all the time - had no
issue as long as I turned the 105D on first (before I woke up the Touch)
and the Touch was previously (i.e. already) set to digital only (from
previous use with the 105D). But that was just using LMS (off my old
Vortexbox) and playing directly to the Touch's integral O/S
'Squeezelite' player...

*Hi-Fi 1*: QNAP HS-453DX NAS+QLMS/Allo USBridge Signature+Shanti
LPS/Cirrus ESS Sabre 32-bit Reference DAC (Oppo 105D)/Yamaha Aventage
CX-A5000/Focal SM9s.
*Hi-Fi 2*: Sqbox Touch+Shanti LPS/Focal XS Books.
*Hi-Fi 3*: PC+Squeezelite-X+Material Skin/Focal XS Books.
*Hi-Fi Misc*: iPeng (iPad/iPhones)/Plantronics BB Pro 2 LE Headphones.
*Accessories*: Tchernov -Classic- & Van den Hul ICs; Thor PS10 Power
Station; Blue Jeans & Ruleconnect Cables (Power, HDMI, USB & Coaxial);
Aurios & Vibrapods.
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