There is a new f/w release from the community for the
Radio/Touch/Controller which you can enable in LMS V8.1.1

Don't think it does anything for sound quality but you will need to
check the release notes. EDO will allow playback of 192Kb files via USB
on the Touch but the audio quality is really down to your DAC.

Lounge: Transporter>Audio Synthesis DAX Decade>Audio Research LS22>Krell
FPB300>Wilson Benesch Act 1's + 2 x Velodyne SPL1000 sub's
Kitchen: SB3>Topping DAC>Arcam Solo>Anthony Gallo Micro's+Sub, Joggler
Office: SB3>Acoustic Energy AE1 Active's, Joggler controller
Garage: Boom>QAcoustics 7000s subwoofer
Bedroom: Radio
Shed: Radio
Workshop: Boom
Garden 1: SB3>JVC amp>Rock outdoor speakers
Garden 2: SB3>JVC amp>Rock outdoor speakers
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