> The string HOSTCC does not occur in scripts/mkroot.sh?

HOSTCC appears in kconfig/Makefile, change.sh, install.sh, and make.sh called by
Makefile on make calls from mkroot.sh called from the same Makefile on a make
launched by the shell user. Effectively always equal to cc lookup in host PATH.

> Yeah, it's confusing. I pass through _some_ variables from the environment
> because they're mandatory ($PATH) and other because it's convenient
> ($CROSS_COMPILE), but...

Nah it makes perfect sense now. Config scripts are somewhat spaghetti but mkroot
gets close to a right abstraction level.

> Except I'm not downloading anything in the current version, or using the host
> toolchain for anything, and mcm doesn't have distcc or ccache...

Host usage is implicit. By not manually overriding everywhere, you get the cc
from host PATH building the config artifacts, and the host libc interpreter for
the dynamic toybox in the airlock dir. It becomes apparent at runtime, when
cc or libc aren't at default paths, on for hypothetical example a statically
linked system without a toolchain in own firmware.

> haven't added "make" to toybox yet
> (which comes after the shell), and it'll need an awk too...
> I take it you're cross compiling more stuff? There isn't really plumbing fo 
> rtha
> tin the merged version. (There was in the seperate version...)

Pkgsrc sources include a reference shell and awk capable of a bootstrapping its
bmake to build other software. Their build scripts want make and autotools on
the host, so I read their debug output on a system that has all that, and write
a few lines of shell enough to build the shell with musl headers, chroot there
to make the awk and continue. The fun is in attachment. Haven't run all the
built tools yet. Wanted to see how many familiar things one can proceed to build
without fatal errors after minimal patching. Next goal is to investigate zcat
and tar errors and fix them to remove a few lines from this script. And to wait
on your toysh, removing more.
From b1ee39a3a41f83fa5316f66f6f580999cf52f990 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Denys Nykula <nykula@ukr.net>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 20:32:55 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Airlock XFCE.

Learn to bootstrap pkgsrc off toybox and build a coding desktop.
Remember to install kernel headers on host. And to copy host CFLAGS, or
armv7l binaries don't work. Get your native musl gcc toolchain. Think of
bionic llvm, but admit the musl website is more intuitive.

Chroot and build awk and sh from pkgsrc sources. Nawk wants make, pdksh
wants autotools, so replace their build with musl constants, toy kill -l
and a list of system headers. Mutt wants a mail group and a mail dir,
create them. Avoid gettext, ghostscript, upower, vdpau and webp,
because of glibc and agpl.
 scripts/world | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 scripts/world

diff --git a/scripts/world b/scripts/world
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5061b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/world
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Build coding desktop in airlock from another Linux.
+# 0BSD 2019 Denys Nykula <nykula@ukr.net>
+# emerge -1u os-headers; eval "export `emerge --info 2>&1 |grep GS=`"
+# wget http://musl.cc/armv7l-linux-musleabihf-native.tgz
+# git clone https://github.com/landley/toybox; toybox/scripts/world
+w='wp*t d*ear tmux git ii mutt isync ffplay4 *e-dl al*ls gzip mksh npm'
+w="$w xinit rxvt tang* xf*{op,xer,yd,ngs}"
+for i in NetBSD/pkgsrc michaelforney/samurai landley/toybox
+do(cd `basename $i`&&git pull)||git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/$i; done
+cd toybox; umount root/*/*/{dev/pts,dev,proc,sys}; rm -r *x-*
+tar xf ../*-native.tgz ||exit; cc=`realpath */bin`/`basename */*x-*`-
+(cd */bin; ln -s *-cc cc); make CROSS_COMPILE=$cc HOSTCC="${cc}cc -static" \
+  PATH="`dirname $cc`:$PATH" defconfig
+do sed -i s/.*_$i[=\ ].*/CONFIG_$i=y/ .config; done
+mv root/*/*/usr/src/distfiles/* ../pkgsrc/distfiles
+make CROSS_COMPILE=$cc PATH="`dirname $cc`:$PATH" root \
+  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -static" HOSTCC="${cc}cc -static"; cd root/*/*-fs/usr
+(cd ../../../../*x-*; tar c *) |tar x; (cd *x-*; tar c lib) |tar x; rm -r *x-*
+ln -s ../bin/cpp lib/cpp; cd ..; mv root var; mv mnt $_/run
+cd usr/bin; ln -s ../lib/ld-* ldd; ln -fs sh bash; cd ../..; mv init sbin
+mkdir usr/pkg; mv etc usr/pkg; ln -s usr/pkg/etc etc
+cp -rv ../../../../pkgsrc usr/src |awk 'NR%100==1{printf"."}'
+path="/bin:/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/`dirname $(find * -name cc1)`"
+root() { env -i CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" PATH="$path" WORLD="$w" chroot . /bin/"$@"; }
+root env |sed '/HOME/d;s/.*/export "&"/' >etc/profile
+root sh -c "`grep mount.-t sbin/init`; exit"; cp -r ../../../../samurai usr/src
+mv home var/guest; sed -i s/home/var/ etc/p*d; echo root:::::::: >etc/shadow
+root sh -c 'groupadd -g12 mail; exit'; root install -dg12 var/mail
+(cd usr/include; ls *.h sys/*.h |tr [:lower:] [:upper:] |
+sed "s/[^A-Z]/_/g;s/.*/#define HAVE_& 1/"
+  RETSIG{TYPE\ void,VAL} SIZEOF_{INT\ 4,LONG\ 8}; do echo \#define $i; done
+cat ../../usr/src/*/pdksh/*/conf-end.h) >`ls -d usr/src/*/pdksh/files`/config.h
+root kill -l |xargs echo |>`ls -d usr/src/*/pdksh/files`/siglist.out sed -E \
+  's/([0-9]+)..(SIG(\S+))/{.signal=\1,.name="\3",.mess="\2"},\n/g'
+root cc -o /bin/sh `find usr/src/*/pdksh/files/*.c -not -name "*-*"`
+root su -c 'cc -o /bin/awk `find /usr/src/*/nawk/files/*.c -not -name *etab.c`
+for i in MAKE_JOBS=`nproc` "PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=-* alsa openssl x11 wayland" \
+  PKG_OPTIONS.mutt=mutt-smtp; do echo $i; done >/mk
+cd /usr/src/*strap; ./b* --cwrappers=no --make-jobs=`nproc` --mk-fragment=/mk
+cd /usr/src/*/bsdtar; bmake install clean clean-depends
+ln -fs `which bsdtar` /bin/tar; cd /usr/src/samurai; bmake; cp samu /bin/ninja
+sed -i "/GIT\|SUB\|CONF\|INST\|bin\|shar\|py/d" /usr/src/*/ninja-*/{M,P}*
+cd /usr/src/*/curl; bmake fetch-list |sh; bmake install clean clean-depends
+sed -i "s/^.endif/FETCH_USING=curl\n&/" /etc/mk.conf; rm /mk
+for i in $WORLD; do cd /usr/src/*/$i/; pwd; bmake fetch-list |sh; done
+cd /usr/src/*/gzip; bmake install; rm /bin/zcat; ln -s `which zcat` /bin/zcat
+cd /usr/src/*/mksh; bmake install; ln -fs `which mksh` /bin/sh
+sed -i -e "s/\\(groupadd.*\\)-r/\\1-S/i" -e "s/-r -c/-S -c/" \
+  -e "s/-c.*-d\(.*-s\)/-h\1/" -e "s/-g\( .group\)/-G\1/" \
+  /usr/src/mk/*/usergroup*Linux; sed -i "/stscr\|webp/d" /usr/src/*/I*ck/{M,b}*
+for i in MesaLib flex ge*ls gst* gtk3 *pg-er* l*xif l*dn xk*g
+do sed -Ei "/\.mo$|glibc|au_r[^3]|upower/d" /usr/src/*/$i/{M,P}*; done
+sed -Ei "/glibc|upower/d" /usr/src/*/xf*ngs/{M,P}*
+cd /usr/src/*/xinit; bmake install
+sed -i s/.*inter.*trip.*/true/ /usr/src/*/python*/*/*/configure
+cd /usr/src/*/wp*t; bmake install
+sed -i "1s;^;#include <limits.h>\n;" /usr/src/*/libpcap/*/*/*-usb-linux.c
+for i in $WORLD; do cd /usr/src/*/$i/; bmake install clean clean-depends; done
+wpa_cli -h |awk /h:/{print\"ctrl_interface=DIR=\"\$3} >/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
+for i in "\"%\" split-window -h" "\"\\\"\" split-window -v" "c new-window"
+do echo bind $i -c \"#{pane_current_path}\"; done >/etc/tmux.conf' -
+git clone ../../../../toybox usr/src/toybox; cp ../../../../toybox/.config $_
+root sh -c 'cd /usr/src/t*x; sed -i "s/<(.*)/:/" s*/*; gmake; cp -f t*x /bin/'

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