On Sun, Oct 27, 2019 at 11:35 PM Rob Landley <r...@landley.net> wrote:
> On 10/27/19 10:08 AM, Denys Nykula wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 26, 2019 at 07:06:54PM -0500, Rob Landley wrote:
> >> On 10/16/19 6:19 PM, Denys Nykula wrote:
> >>> Yes, NetBSD package repository appears to be easier to bootstrap on Linux 
> >>> than
> >>> those of GNU/distros. Package recipes are an independent layer from 
> >>> toolchain and
> >>> core utils flavor, no init system enforced etc.
> >>
> >> Is there a walkthrough on doing this or a URL I could follow it at? More 
> >> build
> >> environments to test against is good...
> >
> > Script master is acme.js.org/world, comment at the beginning is example
> > how to run.
> This is usually the kind of thing people have a repo for somewhere. :)
> (It's long and complicated enough it might be nice if it were versioned...)
> This is... dense.
> This is probably the most immediately interesting line of it to me:

fwiw, that's remarkably similar to the AOSP list... bc, diff, expr,
gzip, sh, and tr.

> hmmmm....
>   sed -i "s/<(.*)/:/" s*/*
> The script you're running this on can't handle bash syntax? Except why are you
> doing that _after_ running defconfig?
> Why do you do:
>   mv root/*/*/usr/src/distfiles/* ../pkgsrc/distfiles
> _before_ running "make root"? And what context does:
>   cd ../../../../*x-*
> run in? (It looks like you're in the toybox source dir? From the start of the
> script you cloned some repos off of github and cd'd into toybox, and now 
> you're
> cd-ing three levels above that?)
> I haz a confused.
> > In empty dir, drop a musl.cc native toolchain tgz for your
> > arch, and run the script. After hours, in $PWD/toybox/root/*/*-fs there's
> > complete root. Chroot there /bin/su -, for a login shell. To list which of
> > my top netbook packages you built successfully, pkg_info -u. See complete
> > pkgsrc doc with lynx /usr/src/doc/pkgsrc.html, and just ls /usr/src and
> > generally ls around to learn what's available or not. Export
> > MANPATH=/usr/pkg/man if my profile fails to set it.
> I'm still working my way through to the end of "make root in toybox". Have to
> look at what you did _in_ that root in the morning...
> > Presence of /usr/src/*/*/work/ means its parent dir package failed. One
> > such package, xinit, I expect to err. Others mean I need to debug and
> > don't know that yet.
> >
> > Please run only in virtual machine, as root from some livecd.
> My build systems have all run as a normal user (NOT requiring root on the 
> host)
> since about 2004. (Point of pride. :)
> > I stay in
> > $PWD but I assume git clone, gmake root, cd, tar x, rm -r, chroot and
> > mount succeed, and then I do ln and mv with relative paths. Tested on
> > arch, gentoo and itself; with glibc and musl; bash and mksh; coreutils,
> > busybox and toybox; armv7l and x86_64.
> >
> > Both make and gmake in your path have to point at gmake, mkroot-specific.
> This is what "alias" is for. :)
> > Packages mostly accept a MAKE argument with a path to make or explicit
> > the g prefix. Base system doesn't ln unprefixed make in path here. There
> > exists after all a variable I'd like mkroot to use (:
> >
> > This should be enough to see how to automate a pkgsrc build for use as a
> > regressive integration test for toybox.
> It looks like the pieces are here, I just have to do some squinting. Thanks.
> Rob
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