On 3/3/20 4:40 AM, Denys Nykula wrote:
> 2 March 2020, 19:04:57 "Rob Landley" <r...@landley.net>:
>>>>> Hello, for a few weeks not one message from the toybox mailing list has
>>>>> went to either my inbox or spam. Tried subscribe again, but it's silent
>>>>> too. Please ask your host if they have any letters stuck in the
>>>>> outgoing queue.
>>>> This one wound up in the spam filter because it didn't think you were
>>>> subscribed, but I went in and approved it.
>>> I can't re-subscribe after the list silently disappeared me in February,
>>> yes. Confirmation letter never makes it. Only what doesn't go through the
>>> list arrives, where I'm CC'd explicitly, like the letter quoted above.
>> They're getting to the list to wind up in moderation. I manually resubscribed
>> you, but I suspect it's "from list to you" that's disappearing.
> Correct, "from list to me" is the one missing.

That can pretty much _only_ be spam filtering in your mailserver receiving the
email. (There's weird DNS "validation" stuff these days (ala
https://support.google.com/a/answer/33786 and
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5585) that everybody gets wrong, and then
https://support.google.com/a/answer/183895?hl=en and
add weird crap on top of it, and to be honest I'm just letting the providers
fight it out amongst themselves...)

They're trying to shove us all into browser email and web forums so you can't do
anything without a 24/7 connection to their walled garden, and if I _wanted_ a
Faceboot account I'd have one already. Grrr.</yell at="cloud">

> I worded that above as
> "from the toybox mailing list...to...my inbox" and "host...outgoing queue",
> longer phrases so less clear, despite my attempt to clarify by saying that
> even a subscription "Confirmation letter" couldn't arrive.
> Thanks for re-adding my subscription, but it still doesn't work. Haven't
> received any new letters visible in the archive, such as those from the
> "dmesg: fix multi-line" or "ping: print ttl" threads. I suspect some other
> subscribers get stuck too, like I haven't seen scsijon in the archive for
> a while, or anybody with a non-gmail box except darken.eu Matthias.

The list traffic's fallen off quite a bit since I got my blog caught back up
(thanks to https://patreon.com/landley hitting that pledge goal). Now instead of
dumping progress reports and technical ruminations here, I just blog about 'em
there. :)

I need to update the rss feed generator to use the <span=programming> tags I've
been sticking in forever, so you can get an rss feed of _just_ the technical
content without me complaining about the various things that get in the way of
said technical content. (I used to vent that on twitter, but now I mostly just
append links to http://landley.net/lynx.txt and move on.)

The RSS feed generator is just a dumb little python script (attached) that
parses the html to make an rss feed when I upload, but I haven't put the time
into it because it's like 500th on my todo list... (And I'm pretty sure if I
actually did start parsing them there's going to be at least one where the
ending </span> doesn't match up, since nothing's been CHECKING it all this time.
Plus I've only intermittently tagged span=comphist and so on...)

Right now I'm just trying to get my head above water so I can get a release out.


import sys, os, re, datetime, time

URL = 'http://www.landley.net/%s' % sys.argv[1].split("/")[-1]

# Globals

data = None
cereal = None

start_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- generator="makerobfeed/1.1" -->
<rss version="2.0"

def rss_entry(id, date, title, body):
    global cereal
    cereal = cereal + 1
    print '\n'.join([
        '  <item>',
        '   <title><![CDATA[%s]]></title>' % title,
        '   <link>%s#%s</link>' % (URL, id),
        '   <pubDate>%s 23:59:59 +0000 </pubDate>' % date.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y'),
        '   <description><![CDATA[%s]]></description>'%body,
        '   <guid>%s#%s</guid>' % (URL, id),
        '  </item>',
def parse_input(input):
    global cereal
    cereal = 0
    data = []
    re_title = re.compile(r'<title>(.*)</title>')
    #re_head  = re.compile(r'<h2>\s*<a\s+name="([^"]+)">(.+)</a></h2>')
    re_head  = re.compile(r'<a\s+name="([^"]+)"><hr><h2><a[^>]+>(.+)</a></h2>')

    title = last_id = last_head = last_date = None
    body        = []
    store       = []
    for line in input.readlines():

        # Get Title
        if not title:
            title = re_title.search(line)

        # Get Entries
            if line.strip() == '<hr>':
            head = re_head.search(line)
            if head:
                if last_head is not None:
                    store.append((last_id, last_date, last_head, ''.join(body)))
                last_id = head.group(1)
                last_head = head.group(2)
                date = map(int, last_id.split('-'))
                last_date = datetime.date(date[2], date[1], date[0])
                body       = []
            elif last_head is not None:

    if not title:
       raise Exception("Didn't find blog <title> tag.")

    if last_head is not None:
        store.append((last_id, last_date, last_head, ''.join(body)))

    return title, store

title, store = parse_input(open(sys.argv[1]))

print start_text % {"title": title.group(1), "URL": URL}
if len(sys.argv) == 1: store = store[:30]
for i in store: rss_entry(*i)
print " </channel>\n</rss>"

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