This is currently not possible. There is an open thread/ticket about it
(search for IUserDirectory), so stay tuned. Currently all you could do
is inject your data into the session_attribute table, somewhat hackish I
suppose, but it would work.


Danny Adair wrote:
> Hi,
> Using trac version 0.10.3(-1) on Debian Etch with apache2/mod-python.
> I'm currently letting Apache do authentication against sqlite for trac, and
> only allow authenticated users. The same database also holds user profiles
> with lots of other information. What is the cleanest way to provide the
> "full name"/"email address" information to trac?
> I would like to disable the form from trac.Settings and pull everything from
> the database.
> Do I need to create a session for this? If yes, what's the best way to do
> this?
> Looking at...
> - already
> assumes a session and just sets session_attributes "name" and "email"
> -
> instantiates new session "on contact" if necessary
> -
> doesn't seem to provide an API for _outside_ session creation (so either I
> mimick most of trac.main (providing req, env, and so on) or I manually
> INSERT into trac's database and create a cookie myself)
> Please keep in mind I'm doing this outside of trac (if it's a session I
> would create it after logging the user in, i.e. before main.dispatch()
> created a new session).
> Where's a hook for this?
> I see another option: Hack all templates which use full name and email
> address to pull it from a cookie which I set at login time. This seems very
> dirty but if it only affects the new ticket/change ticket screens and the
> session-way has issues I'd consider it.
> If someone changes such a cookie manually it's not tragic. This would be a
> comfort, not a security feature.
> Anyone done this before? This seems so basic I suspect there is a more
> straightforward way...
> Thank you,
> Danny
> > 

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