Eric Anderson |TracMailingList| wrote:
> On Jun 28, 10:44 am, Eli Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The wiki pages provide the help text for the system; it is not recommended
>> that you remove those.
> If I want help I'll go to the main website. I'll keep key pages in
> there (page index, recent changes, wiki formatting) but most of that
> stuff is just annoying and in the way.

I agree with you on this one. The wiki contains lots of stuff that is of no 
interest to the trac *user*, as distinct from the trac admin. All the stuff on 
how to install, upgrade, import tickets, etc. is confusing for a user who just 
wants to report bugs.

For what it's worth, what I did for this was heavily modify the first (top 
level) page of the wiki. It has links to things like wiki formatting, but does 
not contain links to the installation and admin pages. That hides those pages 
from normal users. The pages are still there, but they aren't visible. (In my 
installation I have a single link for admin off the top page, that gets me to 
those admin pages (locally, without having to go to the trac web site), but of 
course you don't have to have that if you don't want.) 

When I create a new project I just paste in my replacement top page, and all 
those extra pages are hidden from users.

By the way, I think this issue is related to the thread "Improving Trac's 
Look&Fee" (sic) from a few days ago (25-Jun-2007). Most users want to do only 
two things -- report a bug (90%) and search for a bug (10%). I admit I made up 
those statistics, but I'll bet the 90% is an underestimate. Simplifying the 
wiki helps a little. However, the functionality in Trac is there, and I don't 
think that improving look and feel is a priority at this time -- the existing 
look and feel is acceptable.

I would like to see the wiki structure changed so that there was essentially a 
users manual, and a admin manual. That would make it easier to provide users 
with just the help that they need.


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